When the experimental research of a physicist goes awry, his estranged twin children follow him through time to medieval Wales, where a shattered kingdom forces them to confront their broken relationship. Sometimes, it takes getting out of your comfort zone for God to speak to you. In the case of twins Rhona & Flint Thatcher it takes going back in time for God to get a word in edgewise. A time-travel medieval fantasy adventure for all ages. Step into a high fidelity audio epic with a full cast, narration, and an original score. @1232audioepic @calliesioux #1232audioepic

Sunday Dec 15, 2024
Sunday Dec 15, 2024
If it has to do with whimsy or fantasy we enjoy talking about it! Join creator of 1232, an audio epic, Callie Sioux as she sits down with Jenna and Caitlin to talk about their upcoming events in Nashville, Tennessee.
Join them and visit their website to attend a ball in Nashville in 2025.
Follow them on social media: @nashvillefantasyball
Get your tickets for elevated and magical events!
Never Drop Your Sword Podcast celebrates the creatively courageous and is affiliated with 1232 produced by Rumblestump Entertainment.
All rights reserved

Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Do you get inspired by people whose lives drastically change? for the better? I do!
Welcome author, mom, writer and Italian art aficionado Alexandra Wendt to the Never Drop Your Sword podcast, a podcast celebrating the creatively courageous. Her debut novel with Storyweaver Publishing comes out on November 20th, 2024.
Follow: https://alexandrawendt.substack.com
https://www.alexandrawendt.com/ @alexandrawendt @awendtwriting
We discussed her life in Italy, her faith in Christ, her struggles, her family, her new book and even sneaked in a conversation about Taylor Swift.
Alex would like to publish books inspired by her love for art history, Italy, and all things fantastical and mysterious. When she's not writing, she can be found feeding her obsession for Victorian literature or playing her flute.
OF CONSTELLATIONS AND CLOCKWORK (Available November 20th, 2024)Story-weaver PublishingIn a crumbling republic where the ancient system of values—and the noble families who upheld it—has been torn down, Clemenza Giudice, a clockmaker, has one goal: do whatever it takes to regain her family’s noble status. Even if another noble dies as a result.

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
With the people of Brecon tucked away in Lord Gandwy’s keep, Cardigan and company must begin their next task - securing an army to overthrow Zorreale, but they can’t do that safely without dealing with the spy. Flint traps his hound in time to reveal Vera’s transformation back into a human. Priest Michael recognizes Vera and her demonic possession, prompting him to perform an exorcism. Unseen enemies become real, new dangers, and new threats throw Flint and Rhona into a world filled with possibilities, but will Cardigan’s mission be kept secret from their enemies? Will he raise aid to save his people? Can Flint handle the truth about heaven and hell, angels and demons? Will Rhona’s heart soften toward the people she loves? Find out in the finale episode of season one of 1232.
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Matt Burke as Cardigan
Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher
Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael
Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher
Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd
And Lauren Harding as Vera
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black
Mastered by Glenn Halverson Sonic Hill Studios
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
The resistance camp has been destroyed, but not all hope is lost as Cardigan gathers his people under one banner and ushers them to safety to a nearby kingdom. Lord Gandwy of Carreg Cennen welcomes the prince and his remaining freedom fighters with open arms, but all is not settled. A spy is still among them and it's up to Flint to catch her.
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Matt Burke as Cardigan
Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher
Garrett Goodloe as Edward
Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher
Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael
Keith Robinson as Lord Gandwy
Mike Darling as Smyth
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black
“Static Line” the 1232 theme is now available wherever you listen to music
Some music elements from Envanto
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Ragar’s plans to outwit Zorreale come to there bitter end. With dark magic coursing through his veins, Ragar reveals his mistakes, and the prisoner he’s been keeping a secret from the Enchantress. Vera is sent back to the rebel camp to continue to spy on them, but her loyalty to her cruel mistresses is waning. Their rule hangs in the balance as the battle for Brecon continues.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Jonathan Cooke as Ragar
Lauren Harding as Vera
Jessica King as Zorreale
Matt Burke as Taff
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black
“Static Line” the 1232 theme is now available wherever you listen to music
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
At the urging of Priest Michael Cardigan reveals his true identity and his connection to King Arthur and the legendary sword Excalibur. This news throws Flint and Rhona deeper into the resistance’s ranks and cause. With hope rekindling, even with winter coming, a new plan is formed to save the people of Brecon, and the courage to defeat Zorreale once and for all is revitalized.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Matt Burke as Cardigan
Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher
Corey Keller as Flint Thatcher
Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael
Ian Lee as the Woodsman
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black
“Static Line” the 1232 theme is now available wherever you listen to music
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
At the end of the episode hear your questions answered.
Zorreale has Ragar under her thumb with a blood oath that seals his loyalty to her in more than one realm. Vera’s true identity is revealed and a trap is laid for capturing the remaining survivors of the resistance.
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Jonathan Cooke as Ragar
Jessica King as Zorreale
Garrett Lamay as Soldier
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment
Featuring “Run” by Crimson Calamity
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter and Patreon supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
The resistance has scattered, but Zorreale once again turns to her secret prisoner for more help: she has imprisoned another person from the 21st century in a dungeon below Castle Brecon, a helicopter pilot from Black Dagger. Exploiting his knowledge to create advanced weapons and engineering, Zorreale's power in the realm of dark magic intensifies. With so much darkness and evil in the shire, will light prevail? What other secrets are Ragar and Zorreale hiding?
Voice Talent:
Robin Scott as Hoffman
Jessica King as Zorreale
Jonathan Cooke as Ragar
J.D. Sutter as the Voice of the Angel
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
#1232 #1232audioepic #adventure #fiction #timetravel #fantasy #YA
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters and Patreon members:
Welsh Bowmen
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
The forest surrounding the resistance camp and cave has been utterly destroyed by Zorreale’s fire, the resistance crushed and scattered. But high in the mountains surrounding the town Rhona and Dafydd survived the stampede. With the remaining remuda in tow they begin a cautious journey back to the camp hoping to find survivors. Will the resistance’s courage outlast Zorreale’s dark intentions?
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Robyn Cage as Rhona Thatcher
Kaelyn Landry as Dafydd
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment
Featuring Rhona's Theme “Warrior” by Robyn Cage
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant

Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
*Get ready for a special Q&A after episode 26 - submit your questions about the show, story or production now via audio-epic.com and get mentioned while the creators answer your questions.*
Enchantress Zorreale of Spain and her Danish knight, Ragar, have crushed the resistance led by the valiant Cardigan ap Llewelyn. Their dark magic fire has decimated the resistance's encampment. As the smoke clears, Flint and Cardigan, having miraculously survived, find themselves stranded downstream, potentially the sole survivors of the brutal assault. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, with Flint and Cardigan contemplating their next move in a landscape filled with uncertainty and danger.
Produced by RumbleStump Entertainment
Written by Callie Sioux and Cheyenne Belle
Narrated by Callie Sioux
Voice Talent:
Jessica King as Zorreale
Jonathan Cooke as Ragar
Lauren Harding as Vera
Matt Burke as Cardigan
Corey Keller as Flint
Sid Goodloe as Priest Michael
Mixed and Engineered by Jhett Black
Editing and Sound design by KC Caballero Caballero Sounds
Music by Callie Sioux and Jhett Black soon to be released by Rumblestump Entertainment
Mastered by Zac Bryant Nine Moon Mastering
Cover Art by Niall C. Grant
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Oasis Family Media faeriequeene.com
Atticus Coffee and Tea atticustea.com
PhilBob Borman Fine Art philbobbormanfineart.com
Alpha and Omega Chiropractic alphaandomegachiropractic.com
1232 is listener supported:
Special Thanks to our Kickstarter & Patreon supporters
Welsh Bowmen
Listen Ad Free and Sign Up
Thanks for listening and Stay Courageous